General information

Information Portal and Download of Geodata is an online information portal provided by the BMK (with support from the Federal Government (BML) and the European Union), which serves to provide existing geodata and further information on ecological networks.


Why Ecological Networks?

The anthropogenically induced loss and fragmentation of habitats, which are expressed by the high degree of fragmentation of cultural landscapes in Austria, are adversely affecting migration and dispersal possibilities of living beings and cause the loss of ecological fitness, genetic variability and biodiversity. Flora and fauna as well as the human being are negatively affected by the degradation of ecosystem services. National and international conventions, laws and regulations therefore demand the preservation and restoration of ecological networks and green infrastructure.

alt-text-smaragdeidechse © Peter Sehnal
alt-text-fleischmann-tal © Frank Fleischmann -

At European level, there are a number of initiatives to promote ecological networks, and respective projects and concepts can be found in the majority of countries bordering Austria. In Austria, the implementation of ecological networks is currently at provincial level at different stages of development. In Styria and in the district Pinzgau in Salzburg for example, green zones and green corridors are protected by decree. In several other Austrian federal provinces the theoretical and technical bases for ecological networks have already been established, however these are not legally binding. Since 2018 a nationwide Austrian concept for supra-regional ecological networks is existing.

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität,
Innovation und Technologie (BMK)

Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien - E-Mail:
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