Project Title:
National Ecological Network: the role of the protected areas in the conservation of vertebrates
Project Description:
In 2002 the University of Rome carried out a study on behalf of the Ministry of Environment to assess Italian ecological networks (Rete Ecologica Nazionale – REN) and the role of the protected areas in the conservation of vertebrates (BOITANI ET AL. 2003). The project indicates regions of high biodiversity and high priority and compares their locations with the locations of protected areas. Various ecological networks were defined as a scientific basis for habitat connectivity and the prevention of fragmentation: Ecological network of Italian fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, endangered species and vertebrates.
BOITANI, L., FALCUCCI, A., MAIORANO, L. & MONTEMAGGIORI, A. 2003: National Ecological Network: the role of the protected areas in the conservation of vertebrates. Animal and Human Biology Department, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Nature Conservation Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Environment, Institute of Applied Ecology.
Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44, 00154 Roma, Italien
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