Wildcat Corridor Plan

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Project Title:

Wildcat Corridor Plan Lower Austria

Project Description: 

In spring 2019, the NP Thayatal GmbH commissioned the Büro für Wildökologie und Forstwirtschaft e.U. (Office for Wildlife Ecology and Forestry) to prepare a wildcat corridor plan in the Wald- & Weinviertel in Austria and the districts of South Bohemia and South Moravia in the Czech Republic as part of the Interreg project MaGICLandscapes.For the study area in Austria and the Czech Republic, the habitat potential of the European wildcat is to be estimated in the form of a habitat model. Based on the Based on the habitat model, a corridor analysis will show the possible distribution routes of the cat.

Nationalpark Thayatal GmbH, 2082 Hardegg, Österreich
eMail: office@np-thayatal.at

Project-Report available: https://lebensraumvernetzung.at/publikationen/Leitner-2020-Wildkatzenkorridorplan-Endbericht-2021-04-19-web.pdf

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität,
Innovation und Technologie (BMK)

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